According to a recent study, more than 60% of employees have admitted to doing other work while on a conference call.
Have you ever gotten off the highway only to find that normal speed limits feel far too slow? Experts call this “becoming velocitized.” I see this frequently in business leaders—the hard-charging, over-achieving executive adapts their lifestyle to an incredibly fast hybrid blend of business and family life.
Losing key personnel is inevitable as a business owner, and yet it almost always catches leaders unawares. From the moment an employee gives their notice, the pressure is on to fill the position with a replacement that is not only qualified and experienced but also fits well with the company culture.
A premier expert on the topic of leadership is author and speaker Dr. John C. Maxwell, with whom you’ll be familiar if you’ve read the other articles in my series about his book, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. One of my favorite laws from this book is the Law of Buy-in.
Leadership expert John Maxwell begins his chapter of the Law of Explosive Growth with the following words: “To add growth, lead followers—to multiply, lead the leaders.”
The life of a business owner has incredible highs and impossible lows, and the extremes are wide. It takes a tenacious, courageous, positive person to be able to excel in this role. Anxiety, depression, and second-guessing are all potentially crippling mental health issues that can haunt entrepreneurs and lead to burnout.