Business owners like to move quickly. Many times, urgency trumps planning. I have seen this often in my clients, especially when it’s time to build or rebrand a website. Web…
Most of my entrepreneur clients, at some point in our coaching relationship, want me to help them refine their marketing plan more clearly. I like to show them how business…
Does your business have a customer value proposition? Many business owners overlook this crucial step, assuming their value proposition is obvious. This is only sometimes the case. Here’s what you…
Who is responsible for customer success? Leaders and executives hire client success managers, or CSMs, to be the face of customer interaction and subsequent success. However, the business owner or…
Medical and legal professionals have continuing education credit requirements, but what about the rest of us? While there are no mandates for those in human resources, marketing, sales, or some…
When you sell on price, that’s the only selling point people will focus on. They may want the “deal of a century” or feel they are not being exploited. Value…