9 Box Model to Assess Your Future Potential

By June 18, 2013 January 25th, 2017 Building a Better Team

Last Updated on January 25, 2017 by Dave Schoenbeck

On November 21, 2011, in Blog, Career Development, Career Transformation by Christine Glasco

Remember your first day – in what was identified by peers as the hardest class with the toughest professor – in your freshman college year?

The professor with the scary reputation always started the class with “Look to your right; look to your left.  One of you will not be here by the end of the semester.”

Your company’s Human Resources team is much more sophisticated than that scary college professor and today, they use some variation of a Leadership Talent Management Model to:

  • Assess leadership bench strength
  • Identify the ‘keepers’
  • Move those employees – with the potential to provide an excellent return on development dollars invested – through a series of broadening assignments
  • Offer job-related training to those employees and leaders who are the “bedrock” workers but will never move beyond their current level of contribution
  • Make ‘keep or release’ decisions about those employees and leaders whose skills are out of date.

In 1957, Igor Ansoff, known as the father of Strategic Management, introduced what has become known as the 9 Box Model.  The original 9 Box Model matrix was a useful framework for analysis or planning. For many companies, a 9 Box Model is  a sophisticated business-oriented matrix for designing and implementing strategies for recruiting; orienting; on-boarding; developing; assessing; rewarding; promoting and even terminating employees and members of the leadership team.

I can help you design a model for your business that identifies and rewards future leaders!

Dave Schoenbeck
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