What do you Miss the Most About the Office While Working from Home?

By October 1, 2020 June 1st, 2023 Work Life Balance Articles

Last Updated on June 1, 2023 by Dave Schoenbeck

What do you miss the most about the office while working from home?

Some employees love the recent work-from-home trend that the global pandemic has brought. Others dislike it and find they are struggling. Most business owners and leaders are very grateful that their teams can work remotely, but it is not without problems or opportunities for improvement. 

Whether your employees work from home or office, there are upsides and downsides. Here are some things to consider about working in an office versus working from home.

a overhead camera view of a work team collaborating instead of working from home

Pros and Cons of Working from Home

It’s clear that while the pandemic was at its peak, working from home was the safest option for employers and employees alike. However, as businesses reopen, business leaders are now faced with choosing whether to send their team back to the office. 

The pros of working from home include employee safety, flexibility for working parents, improved focus for certain employees, and reduced commute time.

But there are cons as well. Your company culture suffers, and cohesiveness erodes. Communication is more challenging, and projects and deadlines slip easily without in-person urgency. Overall, productivity is lower for many businesses when employees work from home full-time. 

On top of that, people are social animals, and it is hard to replace in-person interaction with video calls alone. Many employees report feeling lonely or distant from their colleagues without an office. 

Pros and Cons of Working in an Office

Safety was a primary concern when working in an office for a while. However, with proper cleaning protocols, most states have allowed employees to return to the workplace. 

There are plenty of reasons why working in an office can be beneficial. However, when deciding to let your colleagues work from home or office, consider this: many people report a better work-life balance when they have a physical workplace. On the other hand, working from home allows for boundaries to blur, and it’s easy for burnout to sneak up on you. 

Working from the office also improves communication, boosts motivation, and makes staying on top of projects and tasks easier. In addition, the social component of the workplace is necessary for many employees’ emotional well-being, and company culture is more robust when coworkers can be together. 

Overall, the office is a place of teamwork and collaboration. Work gets done quicker and easier without the barriers that working from home imposes. While working from home was a great solution to the recent pandemic, if you can safely reopen your office location, there are many reasons to consider doing so.  

So, what do you miss the most about the office while working from home? If you’re still unsure whether you want your employees to work from home or the office, a business coach can help you. Please fill out my contact form to schedule a free video call, or sign up to receive my weekly blog articles for even more guidance. 


Coach Dave


Dave Schoenbeck
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