Categories: Self Management Tips

What’s in Your Belief System?

Over the years, my interest in understanding and predicting human behavior has deepened significantly. I am constantly amazed and bewildered at what shapes how humans think and act. Usually, sorting out someone’s behavior appears to be pretty straightforward. You get what you see and expect. Oh, I wish it was that easy.

Please visualize an iceberg like the one shown in the photo above. You probably learned in grade school that the enormous mass of an iceberg is predominantly below the surface, leaving only a small portion above the waterline. (Ask the captain of the Titanic how that worked out for him.)

Think about the icy frozen part above the water as the visible behavior in how people react. What we see are actions and decisions. The language they use, the tone of their voice, and their body language are how we traditionally size up people.

The bulky human ice mass below the surface contributes to their behavioral actions. People act the way they do because of their self-identity, skills, values, and beliefs.

I believe “the most important component in understanding someone’s behavior is understanding their belief system.”

Before I agree to coach a business owner or executive, I spend a lot of time interviewing them about their beliefs. I want to know about their life story, experiences, and decisions. I probed them about what they believed to be accurate and their life philosophies. Usually, I get halting, incomplete thoughts until I start giving them ideas. I quiz them about their beliefs about honesty, loyalty, competence, cooperation, enthusiasm, flexibility, etc. Soon, they explode, describing what they believe in and what they value. Getting a high-definition picture of the life events that have shaped them takes little time. Suddenly, I can magically see underwater and view the underside of their personal belief system iceberg.

I would like to challenge you to take 30 minutes and write a list of bullet points about your belief system. I did it myself a year ago, and I struggled at first. Once I got rolling, it became much more accessible, and I now keep a “belief system” document that I frequently update with new ideas. I have found this incredibly insightful about what makes me think and act the way I do.

Someone famous said, “The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.” I suggest that the best predictor of future behavior is how you view your place in the world, your values, and the belief system that guides you in making decisions.

Please take some of your precious time and examine the underside of your behavioral iceberg. I am very confident that this will be very interesting and helpful! You can also check out my e-book, “10 Critical Responsibilities of a Business Owner.

Coach Dave


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Dave Schoenbeck

Dave Schoenbeck is a professional business and executive coach who translates complex business methods, processes, and strategies into actionable plans to dramatically improve financial results. Read more about Dave here.

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Dave Schoenbeck

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