For example, have you ever needed or wanted help determining the size of a product or service market? Identifying market opportunities and researching competitive products or services? Developing a business or financial model? Analyzing company logistics or supply chain processes? How about an expert in industry best practices, profitable real estate opportunities, or patent, trademark, and IP research?
The list goes on—third-party analysts can assist with a wide range of specialized tasks and projects.
Despite this fact, there is reluctance among entrepreneurs to hire outside experts due to several factors, including things like perceived high costs and a need to understand how to track down and interview such specialists.
If you’re considering hiring a third-party analyst to help with your next project, here are four foolproof tips for finding the right fit for your business.
Tip #1: Know where to look.
Some things are obvious: the best way to find a good, reputable, and trusted analyst is to ask for referrals within your network. Speak with other business owners you know locally and nationally (and internationally, if that applies!). If your project isn’t confined to your local area, you may find a match outside your city’s borders.
In addition, if you’re a member of your local Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club, meet-up/mastermind group, or other business groups, scan your directories for third-party analysts you can meet and speak with in person to learn more about how they can help you.
You can also check out sites like SpareHire, Toptal, or Catalant. These companies match experts in various fields with business owners seeking particular skills at reasonable rates.
Tip #2: Ask probing questions about the depth of their experience in their area of expertise.
We’ve already agreed that hiring an expert can be intimidating, but questioning an expert about their qualifications may feel awkward.
Don’t worry; A quality analyst will be prepared for and welcome such questions. They want your business as much as you want their knowledge, so don’t shy away from any work-related questions, including those about their academic background.
Tip #3: Insist on including a nondisclosure agreement as part of your conversation.
Nondisclosure agreements (NDAs) are standard and protect you, your intellectual property, and the expert you speak with. They’re so common that any third-party analyst you’re interviewing won’t bat an eyelash at your request that they sign one before you discuss the specifics of your project.
An NDA will legally ensure that any details you discuss in your initial consultation and—assuming you hire your third-party analyst—any subsequent meetings remain confidential. It can also help you identify conflicts of interest before it’s too late to turn back.
Tip #4: Draw up an uber-thorough contractual agreement.
Your NDA will protect your intellectual property and proprietary information. Still, a contract will safeguard everything else and lay the groundwork for your and your expert’s expectations.
This may seem like a “no-brainer,” but it’s not uncommon for entrepreneurs hiring third-party analysts for the first time to miss some essential things. Make sure your contract outlines the following:
● Will you pay your analysts when you pay them, and what constitutes work they can bill for separately?
● A definite timeline of when work will commence and when the project should be finished. If the finish date is fluid, agree on a date to “shoot for” and include this verbiage in your contract and specifics about how billing and payment will be set up if the project goes beyond the original end date.
● The size and scope of the entire project, from beginning to end. Accommodate for changes by adjusting the start or end date if necessary, but try to be as specific as possible on how large the project truly is.
● The ownership of intellectual property and research findings. Depending on your project, not including specifics like these could create trouble for you later or decrease your opportunities for future growth.
Third-party analysts bring a lot to the table, and hiring the right one could be the decision that takes your business to the next level. Don’t let your discomfort stop you from seeking an expert. Use the tools above to find the right person to help you grow your enterprise.
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Coach Dave
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