I generally subscribe to the theory that you must prove it before I believe it. Call me a cynic or cautious, but I have signed up for this idea because it makes sense, and I have seen my client business leaders win using it.
The concept is simple yet profound: to attain something different, you must transform yourself and engage in different actions. This principle underscores the necessity of change and growth in pursuing personal success.
It sounds straightforward, but here is an example that might improve the optics.
A mid-term CEO yearns to HAVE better business results and has exhausted her ideas about what to do. So, instead of a predictable laser focusing on DOING more new stuff, her better investment is finding ways to BE a different type of leader. An introspective look at who she is and what she stands for is probably the key to garnering support and momentum. Her team will respond quicker and more passionately to a different, honest, and open style than just layering on more initiatives. Working on herself will be the most effective route, although the pundits (and her training) will say this is the soft and squishy HR stuff.
While it’s crucial to focus on measurable tactical tasks, I urge you not to underestimate the power of self-awareness and introspection in your leadership. These are not just soft skills, but powerful tools for personal growth and improved leadership effectiveness.
What might work for you? Consider finding a courageous mentor, listening to an objective colleague, or hiring a coach. Regardless of your decision, remember that getting another perspective and seeking honest feedback is not a sign of weakness but a key to improving your results. Don’t be afraid to ask for help-it could be the key to your success. Click here if I can help you.
Coach Dave
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