Categories: Self Management Tips

How Do You Know When it’s Time To Find a New Employer?

One of the toughest decisions, facing any executive is when that little voice in your head starts telling you that it’s time to start looking for a new role in a new company. Frequently, it’s your fear about career progression and status parity with other executives, skepticism in senior leadership’s decisions and ability, lack of faith in the strategic direction, reduced access to people/assets, or even worse…..

When You just don’t trust them anymore.

My belief is that when an executive starts mistrusting their employer’s motives, ethics, values, or the cultural aspects, it’s time to update the resume and to phone a friend and think about an exit plan.

Recently, I had a long and emotional discussion with two executives that I have respected for years, about the ethics and values of their employer. I heard many stories about their firm’s aberrant and unconventional management and decisions making style. I listened carefully while they challenged the ethics, legality, and the corporate misrepresentations of facts. What astounded me is that this company is a large highly regarded public company that is very visible to the public. It was clear that these two talented people needed to leave their employer and for many obvious reasons.

However, my advice was first, to be sure to re-check their perceptions, to validate viewpoints with a confidential discussion with their mentors, trusted colleagues, and hopefully a professional HR person. Many times the emotionality of what happens to us personally, distorts how we see it, and we don’t want you to make a bad decision when emotion is high.

I am a professional Executive Coach. I get hired by corporations to enrich and expand the skills of their future leaders. I work for the company and the senior decision makers that have their hand on the directional rudder. I also decided long ago that I will only coach firms that have a correct moral compass and I have, and will, beat a hasty retreat if I get a solid confirmation that is incongruent with my beliefs.

Decide where those lines in the sand are for you, and be prepared to act.

I wish you great success!

Coach Dave


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Dave Schoenbeck

Dave Schoenbeck is a professional business and executive coach who translates complex business methods, processes, and strategies into actionable plans to dramatically improve financial results. Read more about Dave here.

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Dave Schoenbeck

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